We recently held our Trust Wide Public Speaking Competition for Years 5 and 7 at The Thomas Centre, Northampton Cathedral.
Oracy and Language development have always been a priority focus in OLICAT schools, so we were very excited to be able to pair this with the work our schools have been doing over the past year on Sustainability.
On Friday 4th October all the teams taking part from Years 5 and 7 gathered at The Thomas Centre, Northampton Cathedral.
Round 1 took place in the schools across three weeks in September and the winning teams were invited to the Trust Finals in Northampton
The focus for the presentations was ‘Putting a positive spin on what we can do for our planet,’ and students focused on three areas which have been explored with the Eco Stewards this past year: Conserving Energy, Waste and Litter and Healthy Eating.
The students presented in teams of three, delivering a five-minute presentation, which was followed by a brief Q&A led by another team, as an opportunity to elaborate on their content.
We were so proud of all the student teams who reached the finals across the Trust and many congratulations to our overall winners:
Year 5 Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School
Year 7 Thomas Becket Catholic Secondary School